5 rules for writing emails to customers

The number of emails we send and receive per day tends to make our approach robotic. Take a step back and look at your emails through the eyes of the recipient, and  brush up on your skills. Learn five strategies for making email an effective tool for engaging customers.

1. Read the message aloud

Nothing kills a first impression more than if you fail the basics. Errors such as spelling mistakes, missing words and other grammatical problems indicate a lack of attention to detail or a general lack of interest. Take the time to read your emails aloud and notice these obvious errors.

2. Personalize

Templates are great, but they are predictable and transparent. It's more important than ever to show that you understand your potential customer's challenges, so be personal. It takes some time to explore your recipients and understand their world. Personalization can no longer be faked; taking the time to customize email involves using their industry language and adapting it to your needs.

3. Pay attention to the subject

Don't try to fool customers with a misleading email subject. This will undermine trust. Use the Internet to get useful tips on how to compose a report. There are some great tips and tricks for creating this introductory message.

4. Remind them about you  with humor

It's easy to give up if someone doesn't reply after one or two emails. Some sellers choose to persevere and send the same email again and again over weeks or months. This just irritates customers. Instead, think as follows. Your first email should not only be brief but informative, but should also be a call to action. If you do not receive a reply, your second email may be standard, but short. If you still do not receive a response, send a third email and this time engage in light humor. You can get more than just a simple answer.

5. Easy appointment scheduling

If you sell services that require the direct support of a sales representative, customers expect to be able to easily book an appointment with you online and on their own terms. Offer this option, for example, in the form of an interactive link from an email to a planning calendar. Your competition is already doing it, so why aren't you?



Article source Selling Power - online version of a US magazine for sales managers

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