Do you want customers to find you online? Find out how to do it

Focus on performance marketing strategies that work.

Marketers who evaluate conversions with the last clicks of search engine results pages need to consider two main factors: the intent of the users and where they come from - and it's not just Google.

Keywords are essential when determining the incentive to buy. Organic SEO professionals report that the more specific the keywords, the more effective they are. It is part of the so-called Long Tail strategy.

Long Tail is a term that is associated in online marketing (especially in connection with SEO and PPC) with the search volume of generally very popular words and specific words with a lower degree of popularity. Keywords and links that are specific and at the "longer end of the tail" have fewer conversions on the web, but the value of the conversion itself is higher precisely because they are more relevant / specific to the target audience.

Gradually, they allow you to gradually get more traffic to your site and find new and motivated audiences.

According to marketing company WordStream, more than 33% of Google searches are longer than four words.

However, use a keyword strategy that mixes more or less specific keywords that customers come up with when searching for a specific product - such as 'sales.'

Amazon case study

Amazon is the dominant platform for customers who are ready to shop. For example, last year, 49% of Americans began searching for products on, while only 22% began searching for goods on Google. In the middle of this year's pandemic, Amazon also saw a year-over-year increase of 37% to a net volume of $ 96.1 billion in the third quarter.

In closed ecosystems like Amazon, marketplaces create algorithms - unless they use a third-party search engine like Google. Research from March 2020 considered that these kinds of ecosystems facilitate measurement. "In order for a product to succeed on Amazon, the product must have relevant keyword rankings," the report said. "This rating is determined by an algorithm, a system with three groups of factors: customer experience, maximizing sales, and product attractiveness."

The research said that the products available to Amazon Prime members were represented by this group of factors, which led to increased sales. This can happen because Amazon Prime provides a better customer experience that is part of this algorithm. Therefore, a better customer experience increases the placement of the product in the keyword search results on the portal.

Last click attribution is still popular

A Google study that tracked a single customer's shopping trip found that 85% of consumers take product action within 24 hours, and performance marketers also prefer to know which ad, keyword, or link in a sponsored post will drive sales.

For example, the Amazon Business Portal has come up with a resource allocation tool to track specific contact points leading customers to This is also one of the reasons why Amazon is urging performance marketers to track last-click attribution.

According to another study, 55% of "agile marketers in Amazon" use a last-click model to match sales, which researchers say works in a similar way to Google search engineers. Only 14% of PPC specialists think that the last click model is so important.

According to the study, this is very similar to the setting in which Google AdWords outgrew other marketing channels in the 1990s. The last click and CPC model prevailed and became a better metric over existing solutions.


Article source Adweek - breaking news and trends in media, marketing, advertising and technology

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